Security assortment of company Optys, spol. s r.o. is a company with a broad portfolio of polygraphic services. Printing of security products and documents protected with high degree protection elements forms an integral part of the assortment. Combining various pronting technologies and finishing equipment we print unique products which have not been launched on the market yet. The most common and cheapest way of protecting prints is the implementation of security elements into their graphics. Our company has a special department which designs such graphics. The basic protective graphical elements are illustrated here including a basic description.
The most frequenty realized documents of a secure nature inlude: shares, certificates, attestations, guarantee certificates, vouchers, catering vouchers, cheqwues, lottery tickets, travel tickets, postal stamp and others. We rank among the few producers in the Czeh market who are able to valorize our products with holograms, a protective element of top security. However, nowadays, holograms are not used for protection only, they also represent an important desing and marketing feature. Optys, spol. s r.o. realizes logo or other desing elements transfers into holograms. Please contact us and make use of our abundant experience in designing and realization of security documents.